On this journey, I became more self-aware and I learned that femininity starts on the inside. How are you as a person? Do your habits reflect the standard you are trying to live up to? We all have ways about us that we need to change for the better, and if you are trying to be feminine the following may help:-
1) Cursing
The language we use reflects our character. Cursing not only makes you seem more aggressive but it's also unattractive when every sentence you use has a foul word or your first response to a disagreement is to curse.
Many people say that's how they express themselves but as feminine ladies, we can find other less bizarre ways to do so.
2)Being Rude
When a feminine woman enters a room everyone is somewhat drawn to her, not only because she's beautiful but also because she radiates good energy. She's more approachable, polite and everyone wants to interact with her. being rude does the opposite, it keeps people away from you, it gives your character a bad look, and makes you less attractive. Rudeness comes in many forms such as being impolite, insensitive, inconsiderate, violation of someone's privacy and being offensive just to name a few. Look within yourself and be extremely honest and ask yourself "do I have any of these traits?" If you do, it's never too late to make a change.
3) Not taking care of your body
As stated in a previous blog post, it's important to look your best(at home and going out) because when you look your best you feel your best! As women, we should be putting effort into ourselves on the inside and outside. Stay hydrated, eat stuff that makes your body happy(fast food won't hurt every once in a while though :P), find a form of workout that's best for you whether it be dancing, walking, jogging, or high impact exercises. Also, stay well-groomed, don't leave the house with messy hair or in your pajamas remember a feminine lady is polished and put together.
4) Bad Manners
Bad manners do not only mean not saying good morning or thank you. Some other examples of bad manners are speaking loudly and interrupting others, not respecting other people's items, passing gas or burping without saying excuse, or asking to be excused(when interacting with others), Chewing gum with your mouth open, and many more.
Having bad manners ruins your whole vibe, you can be the most beautiful person in the room but if your manners are poor you're making yourself less attractive.
5) Trying to be overly independent
Nothing is wrong with doing stuff on your own, it feels good knowing you accomplished something by yourself but a habit that is really popular these days especially in women, is being overly independent. This causes you to avoid asking for help, it makes you more stressed and it is also a trauma response. I get it, sometimes we get hurt or feel like a bother or too needy but you have to heal, let go and be open because the more you cling to that trauma or fear it's gonna get worse and it's gonna leave you hurt. Talk to someone, Pray about it, Get professional help whatever works and is a healthier way for you but don't hold onto it.
Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to have you back here again :)
Bye Lovies!