Hi beautiful ladies :) thank you for checking out my blog! This is a place for anyone who, just like myself has been wanting to start their femininity journey and is looking for some content to help you along the way! I'll have you know this journey isn't an easy one, there will be your good days when you feel at the top of the world, then there will be days when you literally feel like erasing your entire existence. Regardless, don't be discouraged by the bad days, when it rains it doesn't last forever the sun comes out eventually just be patient.
I started my Journey when I started taking my relationship with God seriously. One day I came across proverbs 31. This chapter mentions a virtuous woman whose more precious than rubies and I aspire to be her. From that day I started doing research, looking at YouTubers who promote feminity, and practicing what I've learned. I still have a long way to go and I'm so happy to bring you along, on My Journey to Femininity!